Husstainability offers sustainable business development on the terms of the planet.
We offer Sustainability Sanity check (thorough analysis of environmental and climate impact), education for the management team and employees, workshop where we pressure test your business model, inspirational lecture, communication support and strategic advice.
We simply help companies and organizations develop a more responsible business model where you build sustainable profitability. The profit will be a stronger brand, higher confidence in the market, more motivated employees and less impact on nature
– which provides long-term business benefit.
Insikter om planetens gränser och hur vi kan hålla oss inom dessa.
1 hr 30 min
50,000 Swedish kronorInspirationsföreläsning med lösningar på ekosystem- och klimatkrisen.
1 hr
25,000 Swedish kronorHjälp med kommunikation och PR om ert miljö- och klimatarbete.
1 hr
1,500 Swedish kronorRådgivning om hur ni bäst kommunicerar ert miljö- och klimatarbete.
20 hr
30,000 Swedish kronor
Introductory film about how human development has affected the natural systems on earth. Source:
Short film that shows how a circular business model can work.
Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation